Branded email signature

Create your NAC email signature using this form.

Personal info
Don't forget this field
Don't forget this field
Don't forget this field
Please include a valid email address
Don't forget this field
Include social media links?


  • You may opt to add your professional accreditation after your name (e.g., Jane Doe, CA).
  • Use your full name with a period between your first and last name when formatting your email address.
  • You may include your mobile, fax or toll-free number in the “Other contact” field. When formatting, please indicate (mobile) or (fax) after the phone number.
  • Please note that the social media links will point to the NAC's social media channels.


Jane Doe
Job title, Department
Titre de l'emploi, département
613 947-7000 x999
XXX XXX-XXXX (mobile)
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National Arts Centre | Centre national des Arts